Big idea post

Over the past 9 weeks, I have read (not finished) Stephen King’s novel Doctor Sleep. It is a sequel to his popular book “The Shinning” both books have movie adaptations. in the 121 pages I have read, I believe there is a huge underlined theme of feelings of isolation. Dan Torrence was traumatized by his father and the shinning from a very young age, he then grew up with his mother in Flordia. After her passing, he became a very dependent alcoholic unable to hold a job. One night Dan went bar diving and woke up in a woman’s house where he would have to make sure that her child wouldn’t ingest the cocaine they did the night before. He would then go from town to town for three years before settling and getting his life together in the New England area of the States. Dan would then meet people he enjoyed and attend AA meetings for the next 6 months. His loneliness drove him to drink and with the help of new friends in a new state and town he was able to overcome his alcoholism.

Replacing People with Robots

Human interaction is necessary for an active and healthy brain, people need to talk to people to keep from going insane, but what if I talk to an artificial intelligence that simulates human behavior; should it do the same thing in your brain. Kinda, so to keep one’s sanity one needs healthy brain stimulation, and humans will strive to quench their thirst for terrible small talk about how nice the weather is. So will AI take over with online human interaction, on websites that have an ask-for-help button yes without a single shred saying otherwise. This ground-breaking tech has made several amazing improvements over the last few years, so now my job talking to Randy who needs help on the website is gone. So yes I believe that an AI can make me feel like I’m talking to a real person but it doesn’t feel the same and that’s due to the lack of human emotions.

Tech has made advancements throughout history where mass majority of the time it was for the greater good of the people, like the machine gun, mowing your enemies down.